Contact Me
Contact Information
Colleen Parsons of Inner Decisions
For information, please use the contact form above or write
(scroll down for directions to the farm)
In the Meeting Room
Capricorn Hill Farm
369 Clark Hollow Rd
Pine City, NY 14871
Look for the BIG RED MAILBOX
Click HERE for Google Map Directions
Colleen Parsons can be reached at
Finding the Meeting Room
Note: for more accurate directions Google recognizes the farm as
388 Clark Hollow Rd.
Inner Decisions
Capricorn Hill Farm
369 Clark Hollow Rd. Pine City, New York
"it's a lovely country drive"
When on Clark Hollow Road we are the big barns and log cabin on the corner of Rosar Hill Rd. Look for the red mailbox across the entry to the driveway. There is also a little sign that says "Goat Rd." If coming for a Sunday morning service, come up the gravel driveway and park in the lot near the barns. If you are arriving for an appointment, or if you have special needs, please park in front of the three-bay garage. Walk back down toward the road to the white three-bay garage area on your left and you will see a sign for the "Meeting Room" at the entrance of a wooden walkway. Follow the walkway (be careful it can be slippery when wet) and come in through the French doors. Welcome!